With the help of this emulation utility you can play a wide range of legacy video games for the Sega Dreamcast console on the modern desktop computer.

MakaronEX is a Windows emulator for the classic Sega Dreamcast gaming console. It supports upscaling and antialiasing as well as widescreen displays. Users are able to play various popular titles such as SoulCalibur, NFL 2001, Virtua Tennis, Shenmue, Ultimate Fighting Championship, etc.
How to use
After starting the software you can switch between the Dreamcast and Naomi modes. The latter option is intended for emulating old arcade machines from Sega. The next step is to import a game image file in the GDI or CDI format.
Users are able to apply powerful antialiasing and upscaling algorithms to the visual output, improving its overall quality. This is helpful for transforming Dreamcast games into HD masterpieces while preserving their retro charm and individuality. Modern widescreen monitors are fully supported as well.
Similar to Redream, all control buttons are remappable. Additionally, there is a database of secret codes and passwords for unlocking hidden functionality in certain titles.
An option to write the current game state to the hard drive is included. You can replay particularly tough sections over and over again to master required techniques and tackle hard challenges.
- free to download and use;
- lets you emulate obsolete console games for Sega Dreeamcast on the computer;
- supports hundreds of popular titles in different genres;
- users can save their progress and continue playing later on;
- compatible with modern versions of Windows.