This application is mostly used to download files of various types with increased speed and more comfortably. It has some other helpful features as well.

Download Accelerator Plus
Download Accelerator Plus is a program for Windows, designed mostly to make downloads faster. It can also be integrated with browsers to act as a default manager. During installation, DAP can be configured to start automatically at system startup and in the preferred language.
Interface and ease of use
The application has a built-in browser, a task scheduler, a file shredder and a utility for previewing archives and multimedia files.
Download Accelerator Plus has a simple and quite user-friendly interface. On the left side of the working window there is a status bar, on the right side there is a small message block and in the center there is the area where all tasks are displayed. All of them are sorted by status:
- downloading;
- paused;
- completed;
- broken;
- etc.
There are also categories for the convenience of users:
- music;
- images;
- videos;
- documents;
- software;
- compressed.
Download and sort
By default, DAP stores all downloads in one folder, regardless of the type of file. However, if users want media of each category to be packed into separate directories, the program supports such grouping. It is also possible to set up the scheduler, proxy settings, an exclusion list for websites, etc.
And to share downloaded files with friends, AirDrop is the right place to go.
Another interesting feature of the software is that it helps users download videos from YouTube. It also supports some file sharing websites as well as integration with Twitter.
- download acceleration;
- there is a free version as well as a paid one with advanced features;
- there is plugin support;
- provides mirror search;
- the utility includes a password manager;
- compatible with current Windows operating systems.