This highly specialized software suite contains several widely used problem-solving algorithms for a variety of programming and mathematical applications.

WinQSB is a Windows utility for optimizing and analyzing linear and integer programming models. There is a large selection of forecasting and scheduling tools provided.
Included programs
The utility offers instruments for executing logistical tasks such as aggregate planning, decision analysis, facility layout, goal programming, job scheduling and many other business-related activities.
Network modeling tools are available as well as queueing analysis and system simulation options. Moreover, materials requirement planning is possible. Inventory parameters and quality control charts can be modified.
The PERT-CPM module allows you to solve scheduling problems using Critical Path Method and Program Evaluation and Review Technique.
It is worth mentioning that WinQSB is an obsolete utility that cannot be installed on Windows 7 or newer. There are modern alternatives for solving mathematical problems such as Mathcad.
Programming instruments
There are included applications for performing a wide variety of programming functions. Nonlinear and linear algorithms are supported. Additionally, users are able to solve quadratic equations. Dynamic programming utility is provided as well.
Every available application contains an instruction manual with detailed descriptions of all functions.
- free to download and use;
- contains several specialized mathematical tools;
- it is possible to solve quadratic equations;
- offers you advanced programming instruments;
- not compatible with modern versions of Windows.