With the help of this highly specialized utility scientific researchers can build and refine intricate crystallographic models of various macromolecules.

WinCoot is a Windows tool for creating, analyzing and modifying custom molecular models. Similar to CrystalExplorer, users can automatically fit electron density maps and perform precise geometry corrections. There is support for a wide variety of common crystallographic file formats like PDB, MTZ and CIF.
Model construction
It is possible to define ligands and non standard residues. Moreover, you are able to manually place multiple interconnected objects and configure relationships between them.
An option to render complex 3D macromolecular structures is included, which is important for making adjustments and visualizing the results in real time. Users can overlay different maps and models as well, simplifying common comparison tasks.
Validation instruments
There are instruments to automatically identify internal clashes and conduct Ramachandran plot analysis. You are able to receive instant feedback on several stereochemical parameters such as:
- Bond lengths;
- Angles;
- Electron connections.
The program is essential for X ray crystallography and cryo electron microscopy model creation. It is widely used by academics and researchers around the world.
- free to download and use;
- allows you to generate accurate models of macromolecular structures;
- tools to analyze internal connections and measure bond lengths are available;
- it is possible to validate resulting objects and automatically refine them;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.