The main purpose of this utility is letting users identify and remove duplicate images from various types of storage devices to clean up valuable space.

VisiPics is a Windows application that offers photography and graphics designers tools for managing large digital photo collections. It is possible to detect identical pictures and delete unnecessary copies, potentially regaining a lot of storage capacity.
Image matching
The software helps you find similar files by applying advanced processing algorithms. There are file built in comparison filters:
- Resolution;
- Size;
- Exif Data;
- Aspect ratio;
- Histogram.
Users can detect both exact duplicates and near identical items. This includes resized or compressed copies, which is beneficial for getting rid of even more unneeded files. Moreover, the default detection sensitivity threshold may be adjusted to suit personal preferences.
Available actions
Like in liquidFOLDERS, there is an option to automatically delete duplicates from their source locations. Alternatively, you are able to preview media content before making a final informed decision. It is possible to move detected copies to a separate directory for further manual processing, minimizing the risk of erasing important files.
- free to download and use;
- intended for locating and wiping duplicate photos from the system;
- you can effortlessly increase the amount of available storage space;
- individual pictures may be previewed before deletion to prevent mistakes;
- there are flexible comparison filters;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.