

ver. 5.6.0
3,1 Mb (downloads: 454)

Using this powerful utility, you are able to activate new GPU tech while playing various games. Moreover, you have the option to write your own shaders.

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Windows version:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

ReShade is a lightweight program for Windows that enables you to improve the appearance of older video games. In simple words, since these titles do not support the technologies of modern graphics cards, the software provides you with instruments to activate new video tech and hence, achieve enhanced visuals.

Main capabilities

According to the developers, the utility serves as a generic post-processing injector and can add such features as ambient occlusion, real depth, color correction, dynamic film grain, cross processing, chromatic aberration and others that are available with modern GPUs.

It is necessary to mention that the color depth information is automatically disabled for multiplayer games in order to avoid exploits. Nonetheless, you are able to toggle the aforementioned function for single player titles and make the desired adjustments.

Advanced functions

The tool relies on its own shading trans-compiler called Reshade FX, which is basically a HLS syntax capable of adding different features utilized in post-processing effects. This means, you can define, employ and render textures directly or add custom key states or value timers. If you want to write your own shaders using this package, then take note that they will be compatible with any game based on Direct3D or OpenGL.


  • free to download and use;
  • compatible with modern Windows versions;
  • allows you to utilize new GPU tech in older video games;
  • you can define, employ and render textures directly;
  • it is possible to write your own shaders.
3,1 Mb (downloads: 454)
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