

ver. 7.1.1
119 Mb (downloads: 53)

Using this streaming service you can listen to high quality audio content from around the world. It is possible to purchase and download individual songs.

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Windows version:
Windows 7

Qobuz is a Windows software for accessing a large online music library. There are multiple curated playlists and other editorial content. Users can listen to music directly in the web browser or in a standalone app. Please note that Qobuz is a paid platform. A credit card number is necessary for activating the free trial period.


After logging into the account you can enter keywords to find specific songs or browse the catalog to discover new content. It is possible to filter the library by genre, year, artist and other attributes.

Users are able to create custom playlists. Moreover, there is a wide variety of track selections from professional curators. Almost all content is available in high quality.

Purchasing music

You can add songs or whole albums to the cart and buy them. Purchased items may be copied to the hard drive for offline listening in several common file formats like WAV, AIFF, ALAC and FLAC.

Similar to Napster, users can receive personal recommendations based on their playback history. This functionality is helpful for discovering new artists and genres. Generated suggestions become more relevant over time.


  • free to download and use;
  • contains instruments for listening to music from a large online collection;
  • you can create and save custom playlists;
  • it is possible to purchase separate tracks and download them to the computer;
  • lets users receive personal content recommendations;
  • compatible with modern versions of Windows.
119 Mb (downloads: 53)
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