Using this program you can draw beautiful digital paintings on the computer. There are flexible brush properties like size, color, opacity and spacing.

Luo Painter
Luo Painter is a Windows graphics editor oriented toward beginners. It contains a large library of drawing tools such as pens, pencils, brushes and more. Additionally, users are able to insert various geometric shapes into the project.
The utility comes with a variety of customizable brushes to imitate traditional media like oil and watercolors. You can import new drawing tools from external sources as well, expanding basic creative capabilities.
Artists are able to add multiple layers to the same image and edit them separately. This is helpful for maintaining a non destructive workflow and organizing complex projects. Moreover, individual layers can be merged, duplicated and blended with the background.
Similar to Artweaver, there is a comprehensive color management system. Users may choose from multiple premade palettes and save unique hues to the personal library. The application utilizes GPU acceleration to improve rendering speed and responsiveness, even when working on a large project.
Export options
It is possible to save finished drawings to the computer as JPEG, PNG, BMP or TIFF pictures. You can upload output files to cloud storage services like OneDrive as well, enabling easy access from multiple devices.
- free to download and use;
- intended to help you create digital paintings and share them with other people;
- included artistic brushes are fully customizable to match personal requirements;
- users can merge and duplicate separate image layers;
- compatible with modern versions of Windows.