Gouldian Genetic Forecast

Gouldian Genetic Forecast

ver. 3.0
2,3 Mb (downloads: 36)

With the help of this specialized utility you can calculate the genetic outcome of breeding two Gouldian finch birds. It provides a list of all possible mutations.

Update date:
Carlos Matos
Windows version:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11

Gouldian Genetic Forecast is a Windows software that is oriented toward bird breeders. There are instruments for predicting the visual appearance of Gouldian finch offspring based on the genetic traits of both parents. It is worth noting that Gouldian Genetic Forecast is obsolete and no longer supported by the developer.

Usage instructions

After starting the application users can select all mutations of the male and female finches to calculate the outcome of their breeding. Similar to Gene Designer, the program contains a massive database of various genetic traits and sequences for accurate forecasts.

Known mutations

Using this utility you can breed birds with the black, red or yellow head plumage. Possible back feather variants include green, yellow, blue and silver. These mutations are popular due to their overall brightness. Some sequences present as autosomal recessive traits.

It is possible to quickly predict the color of the children by automatically analyzing parent DNA. Moreover, the app can help scientists preserve the species by customizing the genome.


  • free to download and use;
  • intended for quickly calculating the genetic outcome of bird breeding;
  • there is a large DNA database for Gouldian finches;
  • you can accurately predict the offspring plumage color based on the genetic traits of the parents;
  • it is possible to customize the genome by replacing individual sequences;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.
2,3 Mb (downloads: 36)
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