This utility provides an interactive way to visualize time across the globe. It displays a real time map of Earth with accurate daytime and nighttime sections.

GeoClock is a Windows application that offers users precise depiction of sun movements and shadow patterns anywhere on the planet. All major time zones are highlighted automatically to simplify navigation.
Day and night visualization
After starting the program you can view a 3D model of Earth with shading in the nighttime area. It is easy to observe how the sun influences global time zones. Additionally, there is a powerful sunrise and sunset calculator for any location. Clicking on any point on the map reveals detailed information, including:
- Latitude;
- Longitude;
- Local time.
Moon phases and solar eclipses can be easily predicted before they happen. This functionality is especially beneficial for simplifying telescope observations made by amateur astronomers.
Users are able to choose from various map projections and styles such as political, physical or satellite imagery. Like in World Wind, tools for overlaying city names, country borders and landmarks to enhance geographical context are provided. The output rendering resolution can be tweaked as well, improving performance of slower machines.
- free to download and use;
- contains instruments for analyzing time patterns on a global scale;
- you can monitor the movement of the sun across the planet;
- several map styles and projections to suit specific preferences are available;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.