The software solution gives users the means to design and interpret a variety of experiments. There is support for 2D and 3D scatterplots, histograms, and more.

Design-Expert is a program for Windows which empowers you to make significant advancements in your products and processes by facilitating a variety of crucial tasks. For instance, you can screen for vital factors and components, characterize interactions, attain optimal settings and recipes.
Create experiments
The application provides a set of instruments to design an experiment for your process, mixture, or combination of factors and components. With features like in-line power calculations and the ability to add blocks and center points, you can build sturdy experiments. The design wizards and intuitive layouts simplify all necessary actions. To model computer networks, you may use a tool like Netcracker.
Analyze data and visualize results
With this software it is easy to identify statistically significant results and model your findings with precision. This approach instills confidence in presenting and potentially publishing research outcomes. You can verify the capabilities of the program by testing it with one or more of the included data sets.
There is a diverse range of graphs that allows for the identification of standout effects and the visualization of results. These outputs are instrumental in effectively communicating findings to supervisors and peers. To experience the supported functionalities firsthand, you can download the free trial.
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern Windows versions;
- allows you to design and interpret experiments;
- you can take advantages of sample data sets;
- there is a detailed help section included.