Audio Architect

Audio Architect

ver. 2.55.1
516 Mb (downloads: 6)

Using this advanced tool, you can interact with a considerable number of audio devices. Moreover, you have the option to design custom control panels.

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Windows version:
Windows 7

Audio Architect is a program for Windows intended to help users configure and control a diverse range of professional installed sound systems. It provides the flexibility to customize the operation of various audio equipment, from amplifiers and mixers to speakers and signal processors.

Open architecture design

The software adopts a design philosophy that revolves around operational workflow. It employs diagrammatic representation of the venue. Thus, you can ensure that devices understand their physical and logical placements within racks and rooms. Therefore, the utility learns about real world scenarios.

One of the fundamental features of this program is its support for the distributed DSP network of Soundweb products. After launching such a device, the main workspace transforms the graphical interface. You can add processing objects and create signal paths with virtual wires.

Route audio and create panels

The application also provides the capability to route various digital audio network protocols from and to compatible devices via Ethernet connection. This means it is possible to move from one sound transport to another and stay on the same platform. To test audio equipment, you may use a utility called TrueRTA.

Despite the fact that the program automates a significant portion of system control interface creation, you have the option to design custom panels. The workspace presents only the essential tools required for the task. This streamlines the building process and filters out extraneous information.


  • free to download and use;
  • compatible with modern Windows versions;
  • allows you to configure audio equipment;
  • you can design custom control panels;
  • it is possible to create logic rules.
516 Mb (downloads: 6)
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