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FlexiHub FlexiHub
Windows XP Free

Using this program you can share USB and COM devices with other computers over the internet or local network. There is support for a broad range of hardware.

ver 1.0
Fast File Encryptor Fast File Encryptor
Windows Vista Free

With the help of this utility users can encrypt personal files and folders to protect them from unauthorized access by malicious actors during network transfer.

ver 6.0
Hacker Vision Hacker Vision
Windows 7 Free

Using this browser extension you can automatically apply a high contrast dark theme across all websites to reduce eye strain, especially in poor lighting conditions.

ver 2.70
Abacre Cash Register Abacre Cash Register
Windows XP Free

This application streamlines sales transactions for small businesses, retail stores and restaurants. It provides tools to efficiently manage POS operations.

DigiCad 3D DigiCad 3D
Windows XP Free

With the help of this software users can edit various types of CAD drawings and 3D models on the desktop. There are tools for rectifying perspective distortions.

ver 10.0.5
UsbFix UsbFix
Windows XP Free

Using this program you can automatically detect and remove various types of malware from portable storage devices like USB drives, external HDDs and memory cards.

ver 2016
CrewLink CrewLink
Windows XP Free

This utility integrates proximity voice chat capabilities into the popular multiplayer computer game Among Us, improving communication between the players.

ver 2.0.1
Data Xtractor Data Xtractor
Windows XP Free

With the help of this application database administrators can enhance their productivity. There is a visual SQL query builder and advanced data visualization tools.

ver 3.0.7340.36590
Acronis Snap Deploy Acronis Snap Deploy
Windows XP Free

Using this comprehensive system deployment software you can rapidly and efficiently distribute disk images across multiple machines connected to the same network.

ver 6.0.4569
BulkFileChanger BulkFileChanger
Windows XP Free

This program is intended to help users quickly modify file attributes, timestamps and other properties in batch mode, potentially saving a lot of effort.

ver 1.73
Audio Router Audio Router
Windows 7 Free

With the help of this utility users can route audio output from different sources to specific playback devices, enhancing standard Windows capabilities.

ver 0.10.2
MediaCoder MediaCoder
Windows 7 Free

Using this application you can convert audio recordings and video clips between different common formats such as MP4, AVI, MKV, MP3, AAC, FLAC and OGG.

ver 0.8.65
WinKeyFinder WinKeyFinder
Windows XP Free

This small tool empowers users to retrieve their product keys for various versions of the Windows operating system. It supports Microsoft Office suites as well.

SendTo Convert SendTo Convert
Windows XP Free

With the help of this software users can quickly convert image files through the Explorer context menu. There is support for several output formats like JPG and PNG.

BatteryCare BatteryCare
Windows 7 Free

This software lets users manage their laptop batteries. There are tools for monitoring discharge cycles and temperature readings to prolong accumulator lifetime.

msstyleEditor msstyleEditor
Windows Vista Free

Using this program you can customize the visual appearance of the operating system by manually editing the contents of the corresponding MSSTYLES files.

Exportizer Exportizer
Windows Vista Free

This utility enables users to view, filter and export various types of database files. Tools for converting raw data to structured formats are available.

Bloatware Removal Utility Bloatware Removal Utility
Windows 7 Free

Using this application you can remove unwanted software products from the operating system, freeing up valuable storage space and improving performance.

ver 2022-08-25
Grover Podcast Grover Podcast
Windows 10 Free

With the help of this software users can effortlessly listen to their favorite podcasts on the desktop. It is possible to manage personal subscriptions.

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus
Windows XP Free

Using this web based backup and disaster recovery solution, network administrators can safeguard enterprise environments from potential loss of critical data.

ver 6.2
Sprite Sheet Slicer Sprite Sheet Slicer
Windows XP Free

This application assists game developers, graphics designers and digital artists in efficiently slicing large images or sprite sheets into individual pictures.

Windows 10 Free

With the help of this program users can control LEDs on Corsair keyboards, mice and other peripherals, turning them off after a predefined period of inactivity.

ver 1.1
Folder Firewall Blocker Folder Firewall Blocker
Windows XP Free

Using this tool you can enhance the security of the computer by binging and restricting internet access for executable files located in a specific folder.

EraserDrop Portable EraserDrop Portable
Windows XP Free

This utility helps you securely and irreversibly delete confidential files or directories from the computer, preventing potential restoration attempts.

FontFinder FontFinder
Windows 7 Free

With the help of this software users can identify individual fonts in digital images. There is an extensive online database containing over 150 000 typefaces.

ver 3.6.8
File Encryption XP File Encryption XP
Windows 7 Free

Using this application you can safeguard sensitive information on the computer through file encryption. There are tools for secure data wiping as well.

ver 1.7.395
Makesoft DuplicateFinder Makesoft DuplicateFinder
Windows 7 Free

This program is intended to help users free up valuable storage space on the computer by identifying and removing duplicate files from the hard drive.

ver 1.2.6
Git Extensions Git Extensions
Windows 7 Free

With the help of this program users can enhance the default Git experience by installing a visual interface for conducting various version control tasks.

XMedia Recode XMedia Recode
Windows 7 Free

This utility is designed for converting audio and video files to a wide range of popular formats, expanding compatibility with various devices and platforms.

Charm Pascal Charm Pascal
Windows XP Free

With the help of this powerful integrated development environment you can create custom desktop applications using the popular Pascal programming language.

ver 2.5
HyperNext Studio HyperNext Studio
Windows XP Free

With the help of this easy to use integrated development environment amateur programmers can create new desktop software. There are flexible tools for UI design.

ver 4.3
Ultralight MIDIPlayer Ultralight MIDIPlayer
Windows 10 Free

Using this utility you can listen to MIDI audio files on the desktop. It is fully compatible with official GM standards, ensuring accurate music playback.

ver 1.6.2
XJoy XJoy
Windows 7 Free

This software enables Nintendo Switch enthusiasts to experience the precision and flexibility of their Joy Con controllers on any modern desktop computer.

ver 0.1.9
FigTree FigTree
Windows XP Free

With the help of this specialized application biologists can visualize and analyze custom phylogenetic trees in different formats like Newick or Nexus.

ver 1.4.4
Hotspot Shield Hotspot Shield
Windows 7 Free

Using this program you can browse the internet securely and privately by rerouting all network traffic through a series of remote encrypted VPN servers.

ver 7.9.0
DRevitalize DRevitalize
Windows Vista Free

This utility is intended for identifying and repairing damaged physical sectors on mechanical hard drives without destroying existing files and folders. 

ver 4.10
sMonitor sMonitor
Windows XP Free

With the help of this tool IT professionals can continuously monitor the status of all local servers and network devices, ensuring smooth operation over time.

ver 4.3
Windows 7 Downgrade Windows 7 Downgrade
Windows 7 Free

Using this software you can downgrade the Enterprise edition of the Windows 7 operating system to other versions like Ultimate, Professional or Home Premium.

ver 1.0
Merlin Merlin
Windows 7 Free

Using this browser plugin you can leverage the power of artificial intelligence to summarize lengthy web pages, generate text articles and perform other tasks.

ver 7.3.2
Live Screensaver Creator 2025 Live Screensaver Creator 2025
Windows 7 Free

This application allows users to create custom screensavers filled with live web pages or digital images from the internet matching specific predefined keywords.

Taskbar11 Taskbar11
Windows 11 Free

With the help of this program Windows 11 users can tweak the appearance and functionality of the system taskbar. The default panel transparency level is adjustable.

ver 6.0.0
iPhotoDraw iPhotoDraw
Windows XP Free

Using this utility you can add text inscriptions, object dimensions and other annotations to various types of images. The font color and size are customizable.

ver 2.6
SubSync SubSync
Windows 7 Free

This application lets users automatically synchronize text subtitles with the corresponding videos, adjusting the timestamps based on a reference file.

ver 0.17
JCL POS Mobile JCL POS Mobile
Windows XP Free

Using this program retail and hospitality businesses of all sizes can enhance customer interactions, simplify financial transactions and manage the inventory.

ver 2.13
Argyll CMS Argyll CMS
Windows XP Free

This software provides an accurate color calibration platform for professional graphic designers, photographers, web developers and printing specialists.

ver 3.3.0
InfoTouch Basic InfoTouch Basic
Windows 10 Free

With the help of this application users can transform standard computers and touchscreens into fully functioning kiosks. There are several UI themes to choose from.

Geph Geph
Windows 10 Free

Using this program you can ensure secure and reliable access to the internet, especially in regions where censorship and online restrictions are prevalent.

ver 4.99.27
Coolcam Coolcam
Windows 10 Free

This utility is intended for seamless screen recording and webcam input capturing. Users can annotate resulting clips with custom text inscriptions, arrows and more.

ver 1.2.7
PasteItIn PasteItIn
Windows 7 Free

The main purpose of this software is enhancing clipboard interactions on the desktop. You can access the history of previously copied text, links or images.

ver 1.9
Skip Redirect for Chrome Skip Redirect for Chrome
Windows 7 Free

With the help of this Chrome extension users can simplify website navigation by skipping unnecessary intermediary URLs before reaching the intended page.

ver 2.3.6
Intel PCM Intel PCM
Windows XP Free

Using this specialized application programming interface you can gain deep insights into the performance and power consumption of various Intel processors.

ver 202409
Bulk Rename Utility Bulk Rename Utility
Windows 7 Free

This program simplifies the process of renaming multiple files and folders simultaneously, which is helpful for organizing personal photos, documents or other items.

LoL Skins Viewer LoL Skins Viewer
Windows 7 Free

With the help of this tool League of Legends players can view the list of all custom skins linked to their accounts as well as those available for purchase.

ver 1.1.3
SentryOne Plan Explorer SentryOne Plan Explorer
Windows 7 Free

This software helps database administrators analyze and optimize SQL server performance. Users can view detailed runtime statistics to pinpoint potential issues.

SimpleSYN SimpleSYN
Windows 7 Free

The main purpose of this utility is helping users to streamline the synchronization of Microsoft Outlook data like emails and contacts across multiple devices.

ver 6.7.18321.667
grepWin grepWin
Windows 7 Free

Using this open source application you can bring advanced text search and replace functionality to the desktop. There is support for regular expressions.

deviantART Cursors deviantART Cursors
Windows XP Free

With the help of this collection of custom mouse cursor icons DeviantART enthusiasts can replace default system images to personalize their desktop experience.

ver 1.0
BookLibConnect BookLibConnect
Windows 7 Free

This program allows users to manage their audiobooks purchased through the popular Audible online platform. It is possible to download content to the hard drive.

ver 0.13.1
Ultracopier Ultracopier
Windows 7 Free

Using this application you can enhance the process of copying and moving files on the desktop. It increases data transfer speeds by optimizing resource utilization.

PingTrace PingTrace
Windows XP Free

With the help of this utility you can simplify network troubleshooting and diagnostics by pinging specific remote servers and measuring response times.

ver 2.71
Unicode Blank Chars Unicode Blank Chars
Windows XP Free

This software is oriented toward users who regularly work with text or write programming code. It provides a comprehensive list of blank Unicode characters.

ver 1.0
Pigeon Planner Pigeon Planner
Windows 7 Free

Using this tool pigeon enthusiasts can effectively manage their flocks. It is possible to keep track of multiple birds, which is crucial for professional breeders.

ver 4.10.1
WakeMeOnLan WakeMeOnLan
Windows XP Free

With the help of this tool users can remotely power on any computer connected to the local network environment through the standard Wake on LAN protocol.

ver 1.92
Vectorworks Viewer Vectorworks Viewer
Windows 8 Free

The main purpose of this software is enabling users to effortlessly access and analyze custom Vectorworks files without installing the full editing suite.

ver 2021 (Build 564899)
Terra Incognita Terra Incognita
Windows XP Free

Using this program you can download and manage map files for various programs or GPS devices. It is possible to create custom waypoints and plan optimal routes.

ver 2.45
Arena Tutor Arena Tutor
Windows 10 Free

This application empowers Magic The Gathering Arena enthusiasts to refine their skills by analyzing custom decks and receiving helpful draft pick tips.

ver 2.4.15
AT&T Global Network Client AT&T Global Network Client
Windows 10 Free

With the help of this utility you can connect to secure corporate environments and the internet using virtual private network services provided by AT&T.

FeedRoller FeedRoller
Windows XP Free

Using this software you can manage personal RSS feeds to stay updated with the latest news on specific topics. The font size and ticker speed are customizable.

ver 0.65
Sync Watch Sync Watch
Windows 7 Free

This browser extension is oriented toward users who want to organize online watch parties by synchronizing video playback across multiple remote devices.

ver 1.0.4
FreeMedForms FreeMedForms
Windows 7 Free

With the help of this program healthcare professionals can manage personal records, medical consultations and drug prescriptions for multiple patients.

ver 1.0.0
IdleX IdleX
Windows XP Free

With the help of this program you can install a set of advanced extensions for the Python IDLE, significantly improving the default development experience.

ver 1.22
Pixie Pixie
Windows XP Free

This small application offers users a simple yet effective solution for browsing photo galleries, clipart image collections and other types of digital pictures.

ver 2.2
New compilations

IOWIN project

IOwin.net – a catalog where you can find a wide range of programs for Windows operating systems. Almost all the software uploaded on the site is available to download and use for free. Our web portal provides links to official clients created by third party developers. The administration of the website does not modify source files and does not take responsibility for damage caused by programs downloaded from the portal. Nevertheless, we try to scan each software for viruses. When adding the program we usually put the link to official sources and a link to a copy of an installation file, uploaded on our server. The copy is made in case an official source is unavailable or data transfer is slow.

The texts on IOwin.net contain exclusively the author’s personal opinion. Editors do not pretend to be objective, however, always try to describe the programs as unbiased as possible. In case you find factual mistakes in descriptions, we ask you to contact us via contact form. It is also possible to send commercial offers and complaints to this email address. If you are a developer or a copyright owner of the program uploaded on our website and would like it to be removed from the catalog – please, contact the administration via above mentioned email.

Our website provides access to free and shareware software. We do not upload hacking tools or license bypasses. There are only original clients and trial versions of software in the catalog. The same goes to games that are available in the appropriate section of the website.