This graphics editor lets you create 3D terrains for video games and educational projects. It is possible to quickly apply custom textures to objects.

World Machine
World Machine is a Windows program for procedural generation of 3D terrains that can be used for Unity and Unreal Engine computer games. There are various macros and blueprints included in the app.
Main principles
Unlike many other 3D editing tools like Blender, this utility operates on a procedural level. This means that the final world file does not define a specific terrain. Instead it contains the steps that are necessary to generate all objects.
Users can determine the overall visual appearance and terrain characteristics to let the included algorithms create specific details. This way it is possible to use the same world file for creating randomized terrains with similar basic design.
Available instruments
There is a large selection of commands, macros and blueprints. You can add custom shapes, gradients and materials to the project. Natural effects like the snow and rain are provided. Several terrain types such as the canyons, valleys and mountains can be utilized as templates for the project.
Users are able to automatically generate different kinds of water bodies. Mountain streams, valley rivers and lakes are available.
Extensive tutorials with detailed instructions for every function can be found on the official developer website.
- free to download and use;
- contains tools for creating 3D terrains;
- instruments for the procedural world generation are provided;
- it is possible to add rivers, mountains, trees and other objects;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.