WILCOM EmbroideryStudio

WILCOM EmbroideryStudio

ver. e4.5.2
3,8 Gb (downloads: 13972)

This Windows program is used for creating fashion designs, logos, and more. It is possible to convert graphic files into patterns for all major embroidery machines.

Update date:
Wilcom International Pty Ltd
Windows version:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

WILCOM EmbroideryStudio is a utility for creating and editing patterns for embroidery machines. There are many settings for stitches, fabric, fonts and styles.

Drawing and decorating

In this tool users can design projects for embroidery. Wide arrangement of instruments includes different brushes, fonts, shapes, outlines, stitch patterns, hoops, fills, etc.

It is possible to work with rhinestone and multi-sequin machines using this software.

All popular embroidery machines from brands like Brother, Barudan, Toyota, Janome and others are supported. Every compatible appliance is listed on the official website.

Current version introduced a new tool called EmbroideryHub for users with several EmbroideryConnect WiFi Devices. It allows you to efficiently control all of them from one app.

Working with vector and bitmap graphics

Popular vector graphics design app CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is deeply integrated with this utility. That allows users to create precise vector images and quickly load them into the machine.

Bitmap files can be first edited with Adobe Photoshop and imported into the main program afterwards.

There is a powerful converting tool for graphics that allows to import any image file into the software and prepare it for the stitching.

Please note that working with WILCOM EmbroideryStudio requires a commercial license.


  • supports all major stitching machines;
  • allows to convert image files into embroidery patterns;
  • integration with CorelDRAW for creating vector designs;
  • works with modern versions of Windows;
  • there is a big library of fonts, styles and stitches.
3,8 Gb (downloads: 13972)
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