This reliable application gives you the ability to write your own development notes. Additionally, you can print information contained by the project.

UMLStudio is an object-oriented Computer Aided Software Engineering program for Windows. Basically, the utility is designed to help developers create new software systems in a systematic and productive manner. Users can build OO models, structure ideas and notes, as well as communicate their design more effectively.
Brief review
The tool does not force you to utilize a particular type of content arrangement. Instead, it gives you the ability to visually define your own notes, so that they can look and behave in the way you want them to. It is also necessary to mention that the application does not require any specialized skills to be used effectively.
In contrast to most CASE utilities, the graphical notations are not hard-coded into UMLStudio. They are stored as template files. You are able to adjust the notes at any point in time by modifying the preset. After this step, all the contained diagrams will change automatically. Similar to Microsoft Word, you have the option to apply different templates to your drawings to transform them into another type of notation.
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern Windows versions;
- gives you the ability build object-oriented models;
- does not require specialized skills to be used properly;
- it is possible to create templates for graphical notation;
- you can print information contained by the project;
- allows you to view and edit object properties.