Before uploading content on IOWIN.NET, we select the programs thoroughly. Unfortunately, we have to take into account a human factor as well as the possibility of errors. In case you find misinformation or copyright infringement, please, inform us about it.
We kindly ask you to mention utilitiy’s name and leave a link to the post. Thus, employees of the website can easily find this work and resolve the issue. The editors try to remove unwanted content based on complaints from users and developers as well as prevent its appearance on the portal in the future.
If you are an official representative of a certain company or a developer, please, provide a relevant document in the letter. Thanks to this, we can make sure you are indeed the owner of intellectual property.
Additionally, we offer to contact us using official email addresses, indicated on the page of the program or the company. This will significantly speed up the identification process.
If you manage to find a suspicious file on IOWIN.NET, you can contact us via from. We would appreciate your help in identifying the content which is even theoretically able to harm users.
Before uploading the works, each software is scanned for viruses by professional inspectors. Even so, there are cases in which some spyware could go unnoticed.
Nevertheless, users have to know that they install the utilities at their own risk. Undoubtedly, we moderate the content on a regular basis. However, we can not guarantee complete reliability.