SQL Developer

SQL Developer

ver. 2.3.0
4,8 Mb (downloads: )

With the help of this utility users can simplify the management and development of Oracle databases. There are tools for crafting and executing SQL queries.

Update date:
SOLYP Informatik GmbH
Windows version:
Windows XP

SQL Developer is a Windows application that helps developers interact with relational databases. It is possible to create, modify and delete individual tables. Additionally, you can export specific data in various formats, including CSV, Excel and XML.

Management capabilities

The software enables users to manipulate views, indexes and stored procedures contained in compatible databases. An option to integrate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure components into the local environment is provided as well.

You can compare different schemas and automatically synchronize changes across multiple instances. This is particularly advantageous when merging two or more separate datasets.

Data extraction

Similar to MySQL Workbench, there is an advanced SQL query editor. It offers users powerful functions such as:

  • Syntax highlighting;
  • Auto completion;
  • Error checking, etc.

It is easy to locate required information in massive databases. You are able to save extracted values to the hard drive for further processing as well. Moreover, instruments for viewing detailed execution plans and optimizing queries to ensure better performance are included.


  • free to download and use;
  • enables developers to work with various types of databases;
  • supports multiple platforms like MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL;
  • you can easily create and execute complex search queries;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.
4,8 Mb (downloads: )
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