Sigma Studio

Sigma Studio

ver. 4.7
46,2 Mb (downloads: 64)

With the help of this software users can develop various types of audio applications. There is a library of filters, mixers and other processing blocks.

Update date:
Analog Devices
Windows version:
Windows 10

Sigma Studio is a Windows graphical development environment that allows you to create complex audio processors by combining envelope generators, control blocks, filters, oscillators and other common elements.

Development process

This utility helps users without advanced coding skills design audio processing apps. It is possible to create custom chains by connecting separate blocks such as compressors, limiters, gates, switches and potentiometers together in a visual interface.

You can program a wide range of audio devices, including speakers, microphones, headphones, amplifiers, mixers, automotive sound systems and other consumer electronics. Moreover, SigmaStudio code is fully optimized for first party hardware from Analog Devices, resulting in high performance and low latency.

Advanced capabilities

Similar to Audio Architect, there are tools for real time parameter editing. Additionally, users are able to create new filters and visualize sound signals. Flexible code generation options are provided as well. These instruments are helpful for fine tuning custom audio processors before deployment.


  • free to download and use;
  • allows you to develop complex audio processing chains without any programming skills;
  • a comprehensive collection of filters, oscillators and other control blocks is included;
  • there is support for a wide variety of audio devices;
  • compatible with modern versions of Windows.
46,2 Mb (downloads: 64)
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