

ver. 6.70.55
82,9 Mb (downloads: 11)

The software solution allows users to customize input devices manufactured by Logitech. In addition, they have the ability to toggle a special gaming mode.

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Windows version:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

SetPoint is a simple program for Windows intended to be used with Logitech mouse and keyboard units. Thanks to this utility, you are able to customize the devices so that they work according to your requirements. If you own Microsoft products, you may use another tool called Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center.

Setup and interface

The installation process takes some time, especially due to the fact that at one moment the wizard needs to customize settings and the mouse and keyboard become inactive.

The app features an intuitive interface layout and enables you to personalize the mouse buttons. You have the ability to switch the right and left click, as well as assign a different function for the scroll key.

Basic capabilities

The list of features includes a sufficient amount of options, including cutting, copying and pasting information, as well as opening the Charm menu on Windows 8. It is also possible to access various parts of the operating system, namely Settings, Start Menu or the sharing panel.

Additionally, you can configure the pointer and scrolling actions. To be more exact you are able to increase or lower the speed and enable trails as a visual effect, along with defining the scrolling size.

Game mode

Moreover, you have the ability to adjust the settings that activate automatically when you launch a game. This allows you to preserve the mouse acceleration and speed as well as the actions mapped to the left and right mouse buttons.


  • free to download and use;
  • compatible with modern Windows versions;
  • allows you to customize Logitech keyboard and mouse units;
  • it is possible to configure the pointer and scrolling actions;
  • you can adjust the speed and enable visual effects.
82,9 Mb (downloads: 11)
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