This application is a modification for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It allows you to experience multiplayer mode, although GTA itself is a single player game.
SA MP is an application for Windows that allows you to play GTA: San Andreas online with other players. You can also host the game server, not just connect to it.
Download and install
To install the mod, you need the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game on your computer. Otherwise, you will not be able to use SA MP. After you download the file and unpack the data, you will have to specify the path to the folder with GTA itself. If you would like to host the game server, you may also find the corresponding client on the mod’s website. After that you can start playing.
To see the list of available servers, you need to go to the Internet tab in the main mod window. There is a Filter section in the lower left corner. Here you may select a host by game type, map and other criteria.
To log on to the desired server, you need to right-click on it and select Connect. Just like in Multi Theft Auto, there are several game modes. Among the most popular are the following. The first is deathmatch. The main goal of the player is to destroy as many opponents as possible. Another common type is CTF.
Teams have to capture enemy flags and bring them to their base. Last but not least, there is Cops and Robbers, in which players are divided into two groups and compete against each other to achieve different objectives.
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern versions of Windows;
- players can connect to the server or host it;
- the mod offers many game modes;
- the tool requires the original GTA to be installed.
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