Using this World of Warcraft modification players can receive visual or audible cues in response to various events like gaining buffs and other status effects.

Power Auras
Power Auras is a Windows program for integrating a mod into the popular World of Warcraft MMORPG. It allows users to create custom auras that can be triggered by in game events. Moreover, there is a wide range of displays, stack counters, timers and custom bars for monitoring active status effects.
Main functionality
This WoW extension helps you keep track of buffs, debuffs and cooldown timers in the heat of battle. It displays colorful auras around the character with customizable trigger conditions. Additionally, there is an option to toggle special sound effects and animations for signaling status effect changes more clearly.
Other plugins for enhancing basic WoW capabilities such as Skada are available on our website.
Users can change the size, position and other visual parameters of the aura. Instruments for selecting specific buffs and debuffs that will trigger the effect are provided. It is possible to set custom critical thresholds for health and mana as well.
There are tools for grouping and sorting saved auras based on various criteria. You are able to import and export personal configurations. This functionality makes it easy to share auras with other players.
- free to download and use;
- contains a mod for World of Warcraft;
- helps players keep track of active buffs and debuffs by displaying custom auras;
- you can configure custom trigger conditions for the special effect;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.