ver. 4.0a169
5,0 Mb (downloads: 161)

This highly specialized scientific software is intended for performing phylogenetic data analysis. Users can construct and process complex sample sets.

Update date:
Sinauer Associates Inc.
Windows version:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

PAUP is a Windows application oriented toward scientists. It contains instruments for studying evolutionary development of organisms. You are able to create, connect, sort and filter genetic family trees.

Brief description

The main purpose of the utility is performing various phylogenetic operations. This area of scientific study is focused on understanding genetic links between various species. Users can import TRE, NEX and NXS files containing trees and matrix nexus points.

Several analysis methods such as parsimony, likelihood and distance are available. You can adjust advanced operation parameters to achieve the best results. There are optimization options for organizing all unordered characters. Outputted data can be visualized in Autograph or another similar tool.

Additional settings

Users are able to specify the maximum number of trees. Flexible matrix formatting options are provided. It is possible to switch between numeric and alphabetic labels. There are checkboxes for showing excluding characters and viewing status information. Users can customize the width of the columns.

This program lets you automatically translate non-standard symbols to their ASCII substitutes. Moreover, options for exporting data blocks and character labels are included.


  • free to download and use;
  • allows you to perform phylogenetic analysis;
  • there are flexible matrix formatting parameters;
  • it is possible to automatically translate non-standard characters;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.
5,0 Mb (downloads: 161)
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