This software is oriented toward Vedic astrologists. It includes a wide variety of charts and spreadsheets. There is support for multiple calculation methods.

Parasharas Light
Parasharas Light is a Windows application for performing various astrological calculations. It is possible to generate personal predictions based on the place and time of the birth. Users can draw charts in five popular styles – North Indian, Bengali, Circular, South Indian and Oriya.
How it works
Like in Horosoft Professional Edition, it is necessary to enter the coordinates and time of your birth to generate personal prediction charts. There is an included world map for finding the correct longitude and latitude values. The next step is to select the chart style from the provided options. This software supports several planet position calculation methods.
It is possible to personalize the visual appearance of the chart by switching between the grayscale, color and 3D modes. Users can send generated pages to the printer.
Please note that Parasharas Light is a paid program. There is no free trial period.
Additional functionality
A large library of astrology tables is included. You are able to place multiple elements in the workspace for comparing and analyzing the information. There are instruments for building Vargas spreadsheets as well.
Users can view the list of all Shastiamsa deities associated with the person as well as future Vimshottari dates.
- lets you work with various Indian astrology systems;
- requires a license to download and use;
- there is a large collection of charts and spreadsheets;
- it is possible to calculate personal predictions based on the birth date and location;
- compatible with modern versions of Windows.
download parashara light 9.0
parashara light 9