This platform lets users generate audio translations for video clips, TV shows and movies. There are tools for manually editing the text and tuning character voices.
Neurodub is an online Windows service for video localization. It can be used by content creators who film culinary and travel blogs as well as by teachers for generating educational materials. You can translate video clips to 70 different languages.
Main principles
Advanced artificial intelligence algorithms are utilized for localization. The integrated computer model is trained to recognize individual voices and identify character genders. Users are able to generate audio tracks that closely resemble the original. Moreover, there are tools for manually adjusting various voice parameters.
Localization process
Similar to Designs ai, the full functionality of the service is hidden behind the paywall. After the registration you can evaluate the platform and translate three clips for free.
Users are instructed to upload the source video as well as select both the original and target languages. The processing may take up to several minutes depending on the clip duration. Resulting videos can be previewed in the integrated media player or downloaded to the computer.
Instruments for manually editing text subtitles are provided. Additionally, you are able to use a link to YouTube or another hosting platform as a source material.
- intended for localizing video clips with the help of AI;
- free to download and use;
- it is possible to manually tune character voices;
- there are tools for editing text subtitles;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.