

ver. 5.3.32
79,1 Mb (downloads: 61)

This software allows you to create online surveys, collect responses and export the results to other apps. It is possible to install the utility on your own server.

Update date:
Open-source software
Windows version:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

LimeSurvey is a Windows program for web development. Users can create and edit intuitive and flexible online forms and surveys.

How to install

This utility requires a PHP server to function. It is possible to configure it manually. Alternatively, you are able to use the official cloud version for free with some limitations. Several paid subscriptions plans are available as well.

Creating surveys

Users can access the main interface from a web browser such as Chrome or Opera. There is a button to start working on a new project. Moreover, it is possible to display the list of active surveys and manage the visual parameters.

You are prompted to fill the provided text fields to create a new survey. The title, description and welcome message can be specified. Additionally, the base language selection is provided.

There are settings for the text font, style and color. Users are able to edit the date format as well.

Any question type can be added to the survey. There are the multiple choice and single choice options available. It is possible to create a question with a free-form text answer.


After the survey is complete, you can access the final results and see the statistical analysis. The exporting tool is provided for transferring the information to another application. This option is helpful for converting your data to informative tables and graphs.


  • free to download and use;
  • offers you instruments for creating online surveys;
  • there are flexible question and answer parameters;
  • it is possible to transfer the results to another program;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.
79,1 Mb (downloads: 61)
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