Hogwarts Legacy Save Editor

Hogwarts Legacy Save Editor

ver. 0.2.1
59,7 Mb (downloads: )

With the help of this program users can edit save files for the popular Hogwarts Legacy video game, tweaking character attributes and inventory contents.

Update date:
Jian James Astrero
Windows version:
Windows XP

Hogwarts Legacy Save Editor is a Windows utility that helps Harry Potter universe enthusiasts enhance various aspects of the popular computer game. It is possible to customize the visual appearance of the main character. Moreover, there are instruments for instantly unlocking all skills to experiment with different builds.

Character modification

After starting the software you are instructed to import a compatible SAV file to begin the operation. The first and last name as well as the amount of experience, galleons and talent points can be adjusted to meet specific requirements. Additionally, there is an option to choose the preferred house such as:

  • Gryffindor;
  • Hufflepuff;
  • Slytherin;
  • Ravenclaw.

Resource management

Users can view the contents of their inventory, including Dugbog pellets, Knotgrass, Moonstone, Troll Mucus and other items. It is easy to tweak the amount of each resource, which is crucial for completing certain quests and earning achievements.

Like in EsfEditor, tools to create backup copies of source save files are provided. This enables effortless rollback of all modifications in case of potential technical issues, safeguarding your progress.


  • free to download and use;
  • contains instruments to help you edit character properties in Hogwarts Legacy;
  • it is possible to modify the name and experience level;
  • the amount of collected resources can be tweaked;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.
59,7 Mb (downloads: )
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