Data Xtractor

Data Xtractor

ver. 3.0.7340.36590
27,2 Mb (downloads: 2)

With the help of this application database administrators can enhance their productivity. There is a visual SQL query builder and advanced data visualization tools.

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XtractPro Software
Windows version:
Windows XP

Data Xtractor is a Windows software that allows users to interact with relational databases. It provides a seamless experience for query execution, security inspection and object editing. Additionally, instruments to extract entity relationship models are available.

Database management

You can connect to existing MySQL instances or begin a new project from scratch. There is an option to view individual tables, bookmarks and other objects. Furthermore, it is possible to configure role based access to security policies. This is helpful for ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and other best practices.

There are tools to construct custom SQL queries without writing any code. Users are able to easily retrieve required information from massive datasets, which is crucial for efficient project management.

Visualization capabilities

The utility lets you transform search results into informative charts to facilitate deep analysis. An option to tweak the default color scheme and other visual parameters is included. Moreover, resulting images may be saved to the hard drive for further processing in another program.


  • free to download and use;
  • contains tools to help you maintain and modify relational databases;
  • there is a powerful SQL query editor that does not require extensive coding knowledge;
  • it is easy to convert raw data to graphs and charts;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.
27,2 Mb (downloads: 2)
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