

ver. 4.12.2
0,1 Mb (downloads: )

The utility was developed to assist users in pulling data from HTML and XML items. It is also possible to choose from a vast array of parsers to work with.

Update date:
Python Software Foundation
Windows version:
Windows XP

beautifulsoup4 is a program for Windows which comes in the form of a Python library. It is a powerful instrument for locating and extracting various data from web pages, documents, XML, and HTML files.

Easy navigation

The project is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a convenient choice for both beginners and experienced developers. The library provides a clear and straightforward API for parsing and navigating items. This greatly reduces the complexity of web scraping tasks.

With the help of this piece of software, you can pull information, such as text, links, images, and more, from web pages. Similar to WebData Extractor, it is capable of handling poorly formatted HTML files. This allows you to work with real world, messy data commonly found on the Internet.

Parser support

It is worth noting that the library can integrate with different parsers. This includes the lxml and html5lib. Thus, you can choose the instrument that suits your needs or the one that performs best for your specific use case.

The program has a large and active community of contributors. This means you can find plenty of resources, tutorials, and answers to common questions online. The official documentation is comprehensive and well maintained as well.


  • free to download and use;
  • compatible with modern Windows versions;
  • allows you to pull out data from web pages;
  • you can choose the parser to work with;
  • there is support for unit test discovery.
0,1 Mb (downloads: )
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