The software distribution was developed to assist users in running Java apps on a web server. It is also possible to configure logging and startup parameters.

Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat is a program for Windows which includes a Java based server that offers an environment for executing web applications. These can be accessed through the interface of browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer.
Web server for apps
In case you are developing a website that incorporates Java code and applets, this software can enable the server to execute them. Thus, you no longer need to rely on the power of the Internet browser. This enhances the dependability of the app and its overall responsiveness.
Although there are alternatives to Apache Tomcat, it remains a reliable program for several reasons. Firstly, it is a non commercial solution that can be easily integrated into projects with minimal resources. Furthermore, the project is developed by a large community that provides support.
Main components
The utility consists of the servlet container, the HTTP connector, and the JSP engine responsible for running the dynamic content. Catalina service directly engages with Java applications, ensuring proper maintenance of user access rights throughout the session.
The server client communication is managed by the HTTP connector. This component listens to TCP connections and forwards requests to the JSP engine. Additionally, it is in control of sending processed feedback to the client.
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern Windows versions;
- enables you to run Java apps on a web server;
- you can configure the user account during setup;
- there is an option to select the startup type.